I presented the main ideas for this essay as part of the 2013 COMCAR trip to Turkey, and I am appreciative of the feedback I received from other participants.Īn earlier version of this essay was presented as “Faka(l)ongo e Folofola: Silencing/Hearing Jonah with Sia Figiel” at the meeting of the Oceania Biblical Studies Association at Piula Theological College, Samoa, 11 September 2015. I met Dennis by participating in COMCAR, an organization that has contributed greatly to my understanding of the material cultures in which the writings of the New Testament are embedded. This essay is dedicated to my friend and colleague Dennis Smith, whose love of life and family knows no bounds. Thanks to Stephen Moore, Virginia Burrus, Caroline Vander Stichele, and Todd Penner for their patient reading of and helpful comments on earlier drafts of this essay. Scott Spencer, RBS 90 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017). SBL Press prefers not to use such markers.Īn earlier version of this essay appears as “Why the Johannine Jesus Weeps at the Tomb of Lazarus,” in Mixed Feelings and Vexed Passions: Exploring Emotions in Biblical Literature, ed. Some publishers use a special character, such as an asterisk (*), to distinguish the note from the bibliographic and discussion notes that follow. SBL Style SBL uses footnotes and a bibliography to reference material in your work.
Although some publishers place these special notes at the end of the chapter, we recommend that these special notes be placed as unnumbered notes at the beginning of a chapter, before the first numbered footnote. What is SBL SBL stands for the Society of Biblical Literature and its publication manual is the standard for the writing and referencing style in Religious Studies faculties in many universities and colleges across the world. Footnotes can also indicate where a work has been previously published or presented, acknowledge the author’s gratitude for another’s assistance in preparing the current work, or, in the case of Festschriften, express the author’s sentiments toward the individual for whose honor the work was commissioned. Footnotes are typically used to provide bibliographic details (in traditional citation style) and discussions that supplement the main argument.