Monster prom stat requirements
Monster prom stat requirements

Next, you will have to visit Valerie (the cat girl) at her shop to buy the penguin mask. They will give you the marbles in exchange for your silence, leaving just two items left to collect. Ask them to tell you what it is, and they will reveal that the necessary contents include a penguin mask, a bag of marbles, and a kilo of guacamole. Soon after, you will be searching for answers on your phone as to what the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson actually is, an act that will capture the attention of the coven. If this event doesn’t trigger within the first few days, you have probably missed your chance and will have to restart. When she brings it up, you must claim that you know what she is talking about, otherwise the storyline won’t proceed further. If you slip up and end up conversing with one of the other monsters instead, simply sit with Polly at the cafeteria for every lunchtime, and before long, she will mention that her greatest regret in life was that she never engaged in the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson. You’ll also want to boost your charm stat, and make sure to visit the library frequently to ensure you have enough cash (at least $10) when you need it. It isn’t crucial to select the fun option in the final question of the trivia quiz, but it definitely helps.

monster prom stat requirements

From there, arouse Polly’s interest by selecting whichever option seems the most fun, or puts her at an advantage over her peers (she does a lot of backstabbing, apparently). In order to ensure this, select the long game option to give yourself enough days to follow the storyline through. If you can manage to collect the necessary resources to make her wish come true, the two of you will enjoy a night together at the Monster Prom you’ll never forget. In her secret ending, the ‘Reverse Romanian Wilkinson’, she reveals one of her biggest regrets from before she died.

monster prom stat requirements

Polly is the party-loving ghost who is always either doing something outrageously sexual, or consuming mass quantities of drugs, and sometimes both at the one time.

monster prom stat requirements


How to Get Polly’s Secret Ending (Reverse Romanian Wilkinson) in Monster Prom

Monster prom stat requirements